Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, 1914
"Sopherl, Sopherl, don't die. Stay alive for the children! " The murder that ignited World War One. The German Army Marches Through Brussels, 1914
"This was a machine, endless, tireless,
with the delicate organization of a watch and the brute power
of a steam roller."
The Beginning of Air Warfare, 1914
"Have you got a revolver, old boy? My ammunition's all gone." The beginning of air-to-air combat. Christmas
in the Trenches, 1914
"We and the Germans met in the middle
of no-man's-land." A spontaneous truce takes over the front
lines during the first Christmas of World War I on the Western
Front. Battle At Gallipoli, 1915
". . . Had a good supper and nearly finished our water. The last meal poor Jack ever had." The futile attempt to open a new front
and relieve the stalemate in France.
The Birth of the Fighter Plane, 1915
"I thought of what a deadly accurate stream of lead I could send into the plane." The Dutch inventor of the modern fighter plane takes it on its first trial run in combat.
The Sinking of the Lusitania, 1915
"Many people must have lost their heads..." View
the destruction of the Lusitania through
the periscope of the submarine that sank her.
Battle of Jutland, 1916
"...then came the big explosion." On
board the battle cruiser Queen Mary as she is sunk
during World War I's largest naval battle.  A Death at the Battle of the Somme, 1916
He was young, an American, and a poet;
and he joined the French Foreign Legion to defend the country
he loved.
In the American Ambulance Field Service, 1916
"Just overhead as the car passes
comes a blasting, shattering crash which is like sudden death." Ride
with the volunteer crew of an American ambulance as it heads
for the French front lines before America's entrance into
WWI. The Battlefield Debut of the Tank, 1916
"...lumbering slowly towards us came
three huge mechanical monsters such as we had never seen
U-boat Attack, 1916
"I saw that the bubble-track of the
torpedo had been discovered on the bridge of the steamer." Aboard
a German submarine as it attacks and sinks a cargo vessel
in World War I. |
Gas Attack, 1916
"He sank to the ground, clutching at his throat, and after a few spasmodic twistings, went West." In the trenches as the Germans launch the newest innovation in weapons of mass destruction - gas
Death of a Zeppelin, 1916
"I saw high in the sky a concentrated
blaze of searchlights, and in its centre a ruddy glow which
rapidly spread into the outline of a blazing airship." The
terror of the night skies is shot down over London. The "Red
Baron" Scores Two Victories, 1917
"He paid for his stupidity with his
life." Manfred von Richthofen, World War I's highest scoring
air ace, describes a day in combat. America Declares War on Germany, 1917
"What else can I do?" The dilemma over how to maintain a balance between individual liberty and national security in a time of war is nothing new in American history. President Wilson faced the same problem as he prepared to ask Congress to declare war with Germany.
Torpedoed! 1917
"When the torpedo struck, there was no mistaking it for anything else." A passenger describes the attack and sinking of his ship by a German submarine.
Execution of Mata Hari, 1917
"Must I wear that?" she asked as the
blindfold was shown to her. World War One's most famous spy
meets her end. Death Of An Air Ace, 1918
Major Raoul Lufbery, one of America's
greatest aces, meets a fiery death in air combat. The Beginning of the End of World War I, 1918
"These thirteen Americans performed
a feat never to be forgotten." Four years of stagnation on the Western Front ends as the Germans gamble on a massive offensive on the Western Front and American doughboys enter the fray.
Lawrence of Arabia, 1918
Attack on a Turkish column - "Take
no prisoners!" Armistice
- The End of World War I, 1918
"...at the front there was no celebration." At
the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the guns
fell silent and the Great War came to an end. Signing
the Treaty of Versailles, 1919
"Through the
few open windows comes the sound of distant crowds cheering
hoarsely." The curtain falls on the "War to End all Wars." The
Unknown Soldier Comes Home, 1921
[Sergeant Younger] "circled the caskets three times, then silently placed the flowers on the third casket from the left." America's Unknown Soldier is selected in France. |