Making an Ancient Egyptian Mummy "The embalmers, when a corpse is brought to them, show the relatives wooden models of dead bodies, as accurate as a painting."
The Battle of Marathon, 490 BC
"With you it rests, Callimachus." An Athenian army, out numbered by two to one, faces the invading Persians in one of history's most famous battles.
Everyday Life in Ancient Greece Xenophon describes the average day of a Greek aristocrat in the 4th century BC. The Suicide of Socrates, 399 BC
The philosopher is ordered to be his own executioner.
Defeats the Persians, 331 BC
Alexander The Great finds a way to defeat the feared scythed-wheeled chariots of Darius III and conquers Persia.
The Death of Alexander the Great, 323 BC
"... he lay now in continual fever the whole night." The conqueror of the known world dies at the height of his power.
The Ideal Physician, 320 BC
"His character must be that of a gentleman, and, as such, honorable and kindly towards all." Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, outlines the characteristics of the ideal physician – doctors of today, take heed.
How to Keep a Slave in Ancient Rome, 170 BC
"The total wine issue per man for a year should be about forty-two gallons:" advice for keeping slaves in Ancient Rome.
The Druids, 54 BC
"At a fixed time of year they assemble at a holy place. . ." Julius Caesar describes a mysterious religious sect that he encountered in what is today central France.
 Julius Caesar Crosses the Rubicon, 49 BC
"The die is cast:" a river crossing that changed history.
The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC
"He breathed his last."
A Portrait of Julius Caesar
"His baldness gave him much uneasiness," A close-up look at a man who changed history.
Cleopatra Seduces Antony, 41 BC
"She had faith in her own attractions" The Queen of Egypt
uses all her charms to seduce Antony and changes history.
Gladiators, 50 AD
"In the morning men are thrown to bears or lions..." Before
there was cable TV, the gladiator games were the main source of entertainment.
The Burning of Rome, 64 AD
Did the Emperor Nero fiddle while Rome burned?
Nero Persecutes the Christians 64 AD
To divert public criticism for the burning of Rome, the Emperor Nero condemns the Christians to horrible deaths.
The Romans Destroy the Temple at Jerusalem, 70 AD
"...the Jews let out a shout of dismay that matched the tragedy." The Romans squash the Jewish Revolt.
Rome Celebrates the Vanquishing of the Jews, 71 AD
". . . the news was brought of the death of the enemy leader." Rome celebrates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and its victory over the Jews.
The Grandeur of Rome, 75 AD
"The united grandeur [of our buildings] would lead one to imagine that we were describing another world, accumulated in a single spot." Take a tour of ancient Rome.
 The Destruction of Pompeii, 79 AD
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius destroys the Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
What to do with the Christians? 112 AD
"The superstition has spread like the plague." A Roman Governor asks his Emperor for advice on how to handle the growing "Christian problem."
The Death of a Martyr, 203 AD The last words of a young woman condemned to die in the
Roman arena reach out to us from 1800 years ago.
The Fall of Rome •
"Who could believe this?" Writing in the year 406, a Roman
describes the invasion and destruction of the Empire by the barbarian
Dining with Attila the Hun, 448 AD •
A Roman emissary partys with "the Scourge of God."